Subject: How Us Seniors Are Coping with Gasoline Prices ...
Senior Wheels
Getting older has its drawbacks but I guess there aren't too many good alternatives to getting older. Whenever you see a gathering of seniors it is an even bet they are talking about everything that is wrong with them.
You know, the usual ... prostate, bowel, leg aches, eyesight, no sex drive, etc, etc.
Well, I am a senior and I absolutely refuse to discuss these issues with everyone else. If I have a problem, I find a solution. It may not always be the solution I like but I handle it the best way I know how and I don't openly discuss it with every guy I see on the street that is past age 62.
No sir-ree bub ...
With this in mind, I purchased a new scooter. I wanted something that was easy on gas and could zip me to the store and about town.
This seems to meet my EVERY need. I Love It!
Note: Street-worthy and can be licensed in the State of Florida ...
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